Questions for conversations about life
Questions for conversations about life

Questions for conversations about life

54 cards with challenging questions to inspire people to talk about what really matters.

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Doosje met een 50-tal vragen voor boeiende conversaties over het leven.

How do you nourish yourself? What gives you energy?
How do you deal with boredom?
Who was your favourite teacher as a child, and why?


  • Use these questions for meaningful converstations about the quality of life
  • Connect and share with others
  • Work on your social skills
  • Use it for inspiration and personal goal setting


  • Sit in a group. Everyone picks a card randomly. The others listen and then may ask questions. Avoid talking about yourself.
  • Pick out a question and give it to someone. The person can decline to answer.
  • Pick a question. Make an illustration about it. Show it to others. They express what they understand from the illustration. The illustrator comments on the suggestions and adds to the descriptions. 


When someone replies, listen to their answer and draw them out with some open questions such as:

  • What makes you say this?
  • Can you give an example?
  • How does it feel to share this?

Made by Human Matters to inspire you to have a connection that really matters.

/ Praktisch

Voor wie
3de graad secundair onderwijs
18+ jaar
Hoger onderwijs
Leiding, animatoren ...
Professioneel jeugdwerk
Communicatie & Feedback
Samenwerking & Teambuilding
Social skills
Verbindend communiceren

/ Je werkt aan deze life skills


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